Do The Impossible By Sowing The Right Seeds

Have you ever done something that people were convinced you could never do? Did you do it to prove something to yourself, or just to prove them wrong? How did you feel once you accomplished the seemingly impossible? In this article, I intend to describe a life-altering experience that happened to me at a very […]

Avoid Bad Blog Posts With These 3 Writing Tips

Nearly every article I’ve ever read about Professional Blogging has mentioned these fairly obvious tips for writing better blog posts: “Proof-read for typos and grammatical errors.” — “Create original content. ” — “Write short and lively posts.” In this article, I’ll be discussing three writing tips you may have never thought about before.

The Power Of An Hour

If you want to achieve a certain goal that cannot be accomplished without a considerable time investment, you should learn to harness the cumulative power of persistence. Believe it or not, this was a lesson that I learned from playing the Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game “Final Fantasy XI.” I played FFXI an average of […]

Seek Out Low-Risk Opportunities With A Potential For High-Reward

This past Saturday, I auditioned to be a contestant for “Deal or No Deal” at The Millennium Centre in Southfield. Deal or No Deal is a TV Game Show on NBC where the contestants play for a chance at one million dollars. Although it’s unlikely that a contestant will actually win the entire million, it […]

Reach Your Goals More Easily Using One Simple Step

This past New Year’s Eve, I put considerable thought into what my New Year’s Resolution would be. Aware of my plans for 2007 — which included quitting my computer job, moving out of state, and creating a new life for myself — I had a difficult time deciding upon any single resolution. In order to […]