Just Do It: Alex Moschina on Getting the Job You’ve Been Dreaming Of

I’ve been playing with the idea of starting an interview series on LifeReboot. It would be interesting to hear the perspectives of people who have successfully reinvented themselves doing what they love to do, and to find out how they did it. Similarly, it would be interesting to interview professional writers so that aspiring writers […]

Be a Better Writer: The Importance of Feedback

I joined a writers group this weekend. It’s a group of people who meet regularly at the library to share things they’ve written for critique. The intention is to bring a piece of writing to share, consider everyone’s suggestions for edits, and improve your writing. Although I’ve frequently shared my writing online, sharing it in […]

How to Cope with Jealousy

I joined Facebook recently. And like you do on Facebook, you friend people that you’ve lost touch with over the years, and catch up with them. I was quickly faced with the choice of whether or not to friend an ex-girlfriend. I figured “Sure, why not? We’re both adults now, and everything that we had […]

The Golden Handcuffs: Trapped in a Job that Pays Too Well to Leave It

I was recently contacted by a LifeReboot reader who described the concept of “Golden Handcuffs.” Roger was trapped in a job that he didn’t enjoy, but he was making so much money at that job he felt like he had no choice but to stay there. I imagine that many of us can relate to […]

Live YOUR Dream – Not Someone Else’s

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. — Paul Valéry, French Poet & Philosopher There are people in your life that influence your decisions. Maybe you’re aware of it, maybe you aren’t — but it inevitably happens. When making a decision you’re often wondering how your parents, significant other, […]