100 Jobs That Make You Think

“This is your life, are you who you want to be?”
Switchfoot, lyrics from This Is Your Life

Remember elementary school, when you were asked the very important question: What do you want to be when you grow up?

What was your answer? More importantly, has your answer changed?

In this article, I’ve listed 100 different jobs for you. It is my intention that the list will transform your definition of “working” by making you think.

You can make a living as a…

  1. Skydiving Instructor
  2. Glass Blower
  3. Fireworks Display Contractor
  4. Stuntman/Stunt Double
  5. Ice Sculptor
  6. Film Critic
  7. Stand Up Comic/Comedian
  8. Magician
  9. Fortune Teller
  10. Water Park Lifeguard
  11. Miniature Golf Course Architect
  12. Cartoonist/Illustrator
  13. Puppeteer
  14. Hypnotist
  15. Professional Gambler
  16. Gardener
  17. Thespian (Actor/Actress/Player/Voice Actor)
  18. Hair Stylist
  19. Video Game Tester
  20. Human Dog Sled Racer
  21. Ballboy (Tennis)
  22. Professional Matchmaker
  23. Poet
  24. Travel Agent
  25. Caterer
  26. Food Critic
  27. Photographer
  28. Chef/Cook
  29. Origami Artist
  30. Professional Athlete
  31. Theme Park Designer
  32. Translator
  33. Submarine Captain
  34. Robotics Designer
  35. Singer/Songwriter
  36. Comic Book Creator (Writer/Penciller/Inker/Colorist/Letterer/Editor)
  37. Filmmaker/Director
  38. Drag Racer
  39. Teacher/Professor/Tutor
  40. Historian
  41. Radio DJ
  42. Surf Instructor
  43. Seismologist
  44. Personal Trainer
  45. Pro Skater (Skateboarding)
  46. Piano Tuner
  47. Auto Mechanic
  48. Private Investigator
  49. Fashion Designer
  50. Opera Singer
  51. Makeup Artist
  52. Fighter Pilot
  53. Newscaster
  54. Journalist
  55. Computer Consultant
  56. Horse Jockey
  57. Bodyguard
  58. Civil War Reenactor
  59. Cattle Rancher
  60. Classic Car Restorer
  61. Karate Instructor
  62. Interior Decorator
  63. Yoga Instructor
  64. Motivational Speaker
  65. Hostage Negotiator
  66. Concert Pianist
  67. Archaeologist
  68. Pro Fisherman
  69. Sex Therapist
  70. Bartender
  71. Psychiatrist
  72. Meteorologist
  73. Monster Truck Racer
  74. Painter
  75. Science Fiction Writer
  76. Digital Video Editor
  77. Ballet Instructor
  78. Tattoo Artist
  79. Bridge Engineer
  80. Creative Writer
  81. Nurse/Medical Assistant
  82. Driving Instructor
  83. Greenhouse Operator
  84. Independent Business Owner
  85. Marketing Consultant
  86. Pharmacist
  87. Massage Therapist
  88. Inventor
  89. Veterinarian
  90. Professional Model
  91. Carpenter
  92. Firefighter
  93. Train Conductor
  94. Orchestra Conductor
  95. Astronaut/Deep Space Explorer
  96. Professional Party Planner
  97. Custom Motorcycle Designer
  98. Guitar Instructor
  99. Trapeze Artist
  100. Or your Current Job, where you yearn to be doing something else.

Are you doing what you should be doing? Cause there’s plenty to do.

I used to work in computer support but eventually realized I was in the wrong industry — I am a writer at heart, and I’ve embraced this passion of mine so I could earn a living doing it. I’ve reinvented myself and would recommend you do the same if you’re bored, unhappy, or miserable with your current job.

If you’re still not convinced, or need help determining your life’s calling, then I encourage you to read:

  1. Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
  2. Brian Kim’s How to Find What You Love to Do
  3. Steve Pavlina’s 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job
  4. My series on How To Automate Your Income Online
If you've found this website helpful, please click the PayPal button. You will be helping me pursue my dream career as a writer. Thanks for your support!

8 Responses to “100 Jobs That Make You Think”

#1 Janet on 30, Jun, 2007 at 12:28 am

Great post! Interestingly, I am also a writer and I used that same Switchfoot song for a career blog I ghostwrite.

You found a way to make a living as a writer. I’m a writer, but my passions are music and making a difference (so you can see why I love Switchfoot.) You have done a good job of giving people ideas of where to start to find their calling. In doing this, you may have enhanced a life today.

#2 Shaun Boyd on 30, Jun, 2007 at 12:12 pm

I love readers like you. Thanks for telling me how you feel about what I’m doing — I really appreciate the encouragement.

#3 Lauren on 01, Jul, 2007 at 12:12 pm

Some of these sound great – but I have to say that being a water park lifeguard is not NEARLY as fun as it sounds. 🙂

#4 Shaun Boyd on 01, Jul, 2007 at 3:26 pm

Sounds like you’re talking from experience. Just remember — for every job that you believe to be hellish, that same job is someone else’s oasis.

#5 Lauren on 03, Jul, 2007 at 4:27 pm

It’s not “hellish” per say… just a great deal of responsibility, risk and stress. Water front life guards have it even worse.

#6 Fred on 26, Sep, 2007 at 5:26 pm

Sex therapist is number 69!
Was that intentional?

#7 sheyi adegbola on 22, Apr, 2008 at 9:56 am

nice one my guy

#8 Kaleena Michael on 22, Apr, 2010 at 4:25 pm

I wonder why you’ve not mentioned physician/surgeon? The transition from being a responsible-free medical student to an intern requires us to pass through steep learning curves. And the change to residency, the handling of real lives. Although, granted most people don’t actually like the sight of us – hospitals have never quite been the place to be ;o)

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