Who Else Wants To Change Their Life?
Each day we make decisions. Each night we go to bed with the outcome of those decisions.
— Unknown
When you “sleepwalk” through life in this manner, by simply going through the motions of your daily life unconsciously, the result is often unpleasant. You may have led yourself somewhere that you never intended to go, and at the same time transformed yourself into someone you never intended to be.
Consider this: You make the decision to be whoever you want to be every single day. You may be convinced that you are stuck at a dead-end job, or that you are unable to conquer an addiction, or that you are trapped in a detrimental relationship due to past choices you’ve made. Chances are you’re only fooling yourself. By conditioning yourself to truly believe you have no control over something, it makes it easier to deny responsibility.
Face the truth: Taking no action towards change is still making a choice.
Are you happy with whom you’re choosing to be? If you’ve been led to this site, perhaps you are not very happy at all. Perhaps you are miserable, but feel helpless to initiate positive change on your own. If this sounds like you, don’t despair — you can still choose to reinvent yourself, and you’ve already done the difficult step of acknowledging your need for change.
Welcome to LifeReboot.com, a site focused on sharing experiences about reinventing yourself. Most of the articles in the collection are stories about good experiences, but other stories are about relatively bad ones. Whether good or bad, each experience has a favorable outcome. Sometimes the outcome is an enhancement to one’s life coupled with a rewarding feeling of personal growth, and other times the outcome is little more than a hard lesson learned.
Whatever the case may be, these experiences are just that: experiences. They’ve been put here in the hopes that you can learn from them, and that they may inspire you to create positive change within your own life.
If your current life is truly unfulfilled, I hope this site will help develop the courage to reinvent yourself. When you approach each day with the intention for lifelong learning, with the mindset that you are a growing individual whose goals can constantly be changing, then you will find what makes life most enjoyable for you.
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2 Responses to “Who Else Wants To Change Their Life?”
Hey Shaun,
Whenever I land at a new blog, I always check back through the archives and read a few of the starting posts. This just gives me a better understanding of the person’s blog. 🙂
As you say it does take courage to reinvent yourself, and it takes great courage to blog wide open to the world about that.!
xo xo
Bizarrely, I have been trying to change my life for what actually seems like a life time.
I have spent a great deal of time , effort and money on achieving what I thought would bring the ultimate reward , happiness only to find that it never came , or when it appeared I had achieved , it was short lived .
In truth the real change that i seek has not occurred to date due to not addressing the real concern. This concern requires little money bit a great deal of effort, the concern is me.
I am intelligent enough to know that the obstacle in my life is me, it has always been me. On many occasions I have dressed it up to enable me to divide the blame however the truth is, it’s me.
So there I am exposed the unveiling has happened , that was the easy bit now it’s about releasing the constraints that I have to enable the real Lawrence to shine , journey and grow .
Ideas welcome?